Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI


Why is it important to understand public policy?

Published by the 16 of February of 2024 en Leadership

We are in election year and we will see proposals, fights and uncertainty. Citizens have more active participation to know deeply what politicians do in the Congreso de la Unión, an emblematic space for decision making that impacts the life of all mexicans.

It does not matter what you really do under day to day basis. This decision making that end up in public policy, impacts every one some how.

Public policy is a set of strategies to solve public problems for social welfare.. [1]  To reach a public policy there is a decision making process between social society and government to define actions to meet specific goals. ONGs and social society act as interest groups to represent those people that have not been included within the decision making process for any reason in the past and that all their social problems might be considered when a public policy must be choosen to be implemented.

Discussion and analysis is quite important to reach consensus  for the social welfare of the majority of citizens.  Therefore, it is so relevant each of us as citizens.

David Arellano and Felipe Blanco in his research of Public Policy and Democracy (Arellano, 2021) stated that in a democracy, public policies are substatial for its consolidation, with well informed active and participative citizens and with equal participative mechanisms to define those social problems to be solved.

The phases of a public policy are: design, elaboration, implementation and evaluation.

In our day to day activities we can see govenment decisions through public policy such as in transportation eficiency, costs, time for movility due a good/bad city planning, traffic jam, in services such as water, electricity, health, education and so on.

Therefore, any time you can try to see with fresh eyes how your close environment impacts your life.

It does not matter with prefetences you have in politics. Well informed and active citizens is important to have public policies for the welfare of all!.




Arellano, D. y. (2021). INE. Obtenido de Cuadernos de Divulgación de la Cultura Democrática:



[1] Para más información consultar


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