Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI


The world changed…and women changed too??

Published by the 15 of August of 2020 en Knowledge

We are working automatically day by day, as we used to do it before but differently. We are different but we have to realize if our environment have changed or it is just perception.

I asked to my best friend who is now working on home office basis, if she still was dressing up in high fashion clothes like before, and her answer was NO.  You might observed some changes in attitude, in your fashion image, in the things you used to wear and not any more! Why not? it is not important any more? are you dressing up as you used to do it no matter virtual job and meetings?

COVID19 pushed virtual environment; since many years ago we were told about its efficiency and efficacy due to the saving costs involved, etc. However, we kept under face-to-face basis. So here we are, on virtual communication, with the good things and with the challenges (I will not say “bad things” since all problems have to be seen as challenges). We might be are on the way to get used to new schedule structures, how to get disconnected,  how to balance your team with your IT, how to get  “connection” with your family againg as normal and how to recover your personal spaces that are invaded by your job since all happens within the same place.

Equilibrium is now a need between a professional person, a mom, couple, and yourself. It is quite important to feel comfortable, attractive, light in your emotions, visible for all. Focus is a must, so we have to be able to divide all our activities to become efficiently and efficacy within 24  hours. The less you must do is to skip hour of sleep because any activity you develop during the day will be affected.

Social media and communication with important issued must be scheduled with no change (unless there is an emergency) working hours, meals hours, beginning and end of the working day and so on so your brain has some time to relax too (there are so many companies that have migrated to Home Office permanently and it is expected that this trend continues. My company is 100% Home Office).

It is fundamental feeling good about yourself so dress up for yourself, make up for yourself, spray on your best perfume for yourself, wear the most beautiful colors you like for yourself and for your emotions. Now all  jewels and accessories are not allowed to wear them out of home because of COVID19. So wear them in home, wear all you can!!! it is on hand!!! That will help to connect with yourself and with others to be attracted.

It seems that protocols have changed. We have seen a lot of virtual accidents and they remain forever. Build new protocols for virtual interaction to make clear rules for all since we are closer than we think.

Family is quite important. We all are dealing with emotions. You family too. Take the chance to talk about it, to know each other feelings, each other perceptions. If we connect our emotions with others from family members, you will be able to build new rules for everybody to feel respected in time and spaces. Harmony is the base.

It is possible that you are under pressure thinking to be the bes professional, the best mom, the best partner, the best couple…some times we are the most demanding people in the world for ourselves. The beginning is to feel comfortable with yourself, emotions will be so positive to connect and leading, your productivity will be so high, and that will be what people will see, motivating others to do the same.

An example of time management:


Activity Time/activ 24hrs/day
Sleeping 7 24-7 = 17
3 meals 1.30 hrs /meal 17-4.30 = 12.30
personal cleanlines & dress up / day 3 hrs 12.30 – 3 = 9.30
Working hours (social media included) 8 hrs 9.30 – 8 = 1.30
Activities / family 1.30 hrs 1.30 – 1.30 = 0


Now you are ready to structure your own schedule.


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