Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI


The world changed and the women engineers too!

Published by the 7 of March of 2022 en Women in the engineering

A few days ago, just during the launch of “From entrepreneur to business woman” programme  (in which I had the honor to participate) in AMEXME León Chapter, there were a talk with 5 extraordinary and talented business women and between them my dear friend Selene Diez, Systems Engineer and current IT Cluster President in Guanajuato.

There were so interesting coments, but there was one of the that caught my attention from Selene… ” I had to work harder to the mechanic class since the professor would take me to the blackboard…no one else…I was the only woman in there…I had to dreess up as messy as I could to avoid misrespect”.

I had always admired Selene due to her empowerment,  talent and leadership in a sector dominated by men…Now I admired her more than ever. Nowadays, the path that a women have to deal with in engineering field it is not easy at all, therefore it was worse in the past. Selene´s experience at the university might be the same as other girls that had to overcome a lot of challenges in an hostile environment to become graduated. The need to work harder, to study harder, to be always in the eye of others since it was so unbelievable that high skilled  women were in engineering.

The world has changed. Selene is not only the CEO of her own company Forte Innovation Consulting, but also IT Cluster President in Guanajuato. She is a leader in strategic issues so necessary during this pandemic. IT avoid the colapse of the world.

Selene as other great women in engineering had created a better and friendlier path for new generations of women engineers, to take the decision to belong to this field not dominated by men any more, with recognition of their  high skills, talents and that women competences might be over men´s in engineering.

All my recpect to all women in engineering that have created a professional success despite everything and everyone!


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