The Path of a Champion Woman
Published by the 4 of May of 2023 en Leadership, Women in the engineering

Much is said about to empower women to be in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). careers. It has been said a lot that they must be given a lot of stuff and that they must be taught thousand of things. All that people that give advice, most of them do not have a proffessional career in STEM. Therefore, that leaves all to imagination and statistics are quite different from reality.
That might be the reason why less is said about the importance of emotional accompaniment in the path of of a little girl, under puberty, teenager, young woman and adult girl in areas and activities where man is still prefered and to build a safe space for her to develop.
A little girl is going to face differences in tastes within the same gender if she prefers to play with baloons, robots or cars instead of dolls…under puberty she will face not to be invited to gilr´s parties for differences in tastes and it would be highly possible that her friends are boys more than girls… a teenager will face to be consider a bit rare just because she will not be interested in shopping, fashion and makeup and she would prefer STEM hobbies including videogames…. a young girl will face that most of her close circle of friends will be men because conversations are different from girls´s in other fields…an adult girl in proffesional will have to be used to a rough vocabulary and environment.
However, what happen in the path of a champion woman?
Team emvironment generates empathy and solidarity in mexed boys and girls teams. All members contribute to fullfil the plan. All is under control and task assignement is equitative. All for the good of the team. However, those emotions change when the team face a competition. Skills are considered superior in boys than in girls who might be assigned support tasks or developing non competitive skills. Therefore girls are not considered risky competitors.
When a woman wins a champioship, the emotion is like a dream, she just does not believe it! it is a great achievement for the female part of the team and for the male part of the team it might be considered “beginners luck”. The whole team just do not believe it. But, when a man is the champion, the emotion is different as “it was obvious that he would win”!
All women in STEM competitions have the same chances that men to win a championship, although women might not be considered good enough to get it.
That emotional accompaniment, where parents are fundamental since the very beginning, is the CLUE to be able to go on a path in STEM field, to be able to build safety spaces and when a young woman wins a championship that could be just the beginning of higher success!
The mother of a champion girl!