The importance of innovation in higher education institutions
Published by the 2 of June of 2019 en Innovation

For centuries, higher education institution (HEI) was characterized as the spearhead of development, both for the regions or nations in which they are located, and for the progress of humanity as a whole.
Until the end of the twentieth century this rule was maintained, but in the last three decades the dynamics of innovation shifted to the productive agents, companies and entrepreneurs, generating that in many occasions the HEIs have become followers of the marked trends and only In a small number of these, knowledge leadership, technological development and innovation remain.
The social megatrends, as well as the development of new technologies and the advances of science in different areas, are generating that universities and other institutions of higher education have the great challenge of redefining themselves.
The social megatrends, as well as the development of new technologies and the advances of science in different areas, are generating that universities and other institutions of higher education have the great challenge of redefining themselves.
The challenge of creating the right model of education for the XXI Century is enormous and of great responsibility, the environment, the conditions, the technology and the way people relate to each other change and become sophisticated, which leads us to ask what that education will be like of the future (which in reality is that of the present for children and young people who will be interacting with the future call.
For this we must consider that education should be:
1. Relevant
2. Fun
3. Equality
4. Inclusive
5. Interconnected
6. Systemic
7. Multi-space and multiplatform
So that future does not reach us, without being prepared, as Juan Enríquez Cabot has suggested (Mientras el futuro te alcanza)(Juan Enriquez Cabot interview); The Future of Life.
An important aspect that should not be forgotten is the triple mission to which HEIs are obliged, especially universities, that relevant role that must be played when educating and training new generations, both for work and for life; by developing activities capable of generating new knowledge through research, exploration and empirical experience; and finally, the intelligence and willingness to transform knowledge into innovation and development, either through the transfer of knowledge to productive agents, governmental or society, or through the impulse to impact entrepreneurship supported by a effective and efficient collaboration ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship. The triple helix or the quadruple show that collaboration between different agents (company, government, IES, society) leads to a greater stage of development for the regions where it performs continuously and structured.