Protection and recovery actions against contingency
Published by Fernando Herrera the 7 of April of 2020 en Business environment, Global environment, Leadership, Regional development
At any time, each individual person or company can be immersed in contingencies that endanger development, and even endanger subsistence. These days a situation manifests itself where in a massive and general way the majority is involved in a high risk situation. The economy in general at risk of collapse and many of the companies and individuals of running out of resources in the short or medium term.
An invitation to think mainly of two specific periods, the first one related to the period of the health contingency, and a second one that implies the post-contingency period, which if doing things well will be of recovery and return to development that allows reaching the wellness.
Given the relevance and the state of emergency that involves us all, in Gnosis XXI we offer you some points of view that could be useful for companies and entrepreneurs. As a proposal, the following figure is presented.
Figure 1.

Source: Self made.
In this figure we observe the importance of making an introspective review of the company and the particular conditions. It is complemented by the identification of risk factors that come from abroad to those recognized as internal risks. It is not enough to have this information, but we must process it to construct at least three possible scenarios so that the possible behaviors and the most critical variables are displayed. According to these results, measure the impacts, which are mainly negative, that the contingency will have in the short and medium term. With this information, planning exercises can be done under the conditions derived from the contingency. Establish objectives and strategies to minimize the negative impact on the company and / or the person. Some positive element could be found, although given the emergency it would be by exception and scarce.
When having objectives and strategies, access to resources must be verified so that the action projects generated can be executed (review own funds, supplier facilities, credit capacity, own resources, linked talent, etc.), This reminds you of those tips to generate savings and funds in good times to take opportunities or cope with difficult times. If we did, congratulations, there is a mattress that can help, we did not do it, we will get a very painful lesson. Additionally, review the programs and actions of support and incentives generated by governments and international organizations. With the information on the availability of resources, validate the selected action projects to proceed with the assignment of responsibilities and leadership, as well as the adequate resources (available) for the execution of the action projects.
It is very important to protect the available talent, for two main reasons, the first, because we are committed to each and every one of those who collaborate and contribute to the development of the company, or each one in particular. The second, because it is convenient to have the talent, because when the contingency passes, the speed to start operating in conditions of effectiveness and efficiency is essential, time will be a resource that will differentiate the winners from those who do not. succeed. Remember, that after stopping for so long, people and companies will need to return to normal and must consume products and services; What they have their talent because they kept it will be able to start without having to wait for a learning curve. In crises, those who end the critical period without seeing their capacities and talent diminished are those who can take the opportunities generated at the start of the new stage.
At the moment the following learnings are seen:
1. Identify the risk factors and weaknesses of the company / individual
2. Measure the impacts that the contingency can have for the company / individual
3. Have a portfolio of resources and capabilities (financial, physical and talent)
4. Have trusted leaders to take responsibility
5. Establish the action plan according to the scenario presented
6. Save resources in good times to take opportunities or mitigate the effects of scarcity in stages of contingency or economic crisis.
It is definitely going through a memento that demands leadership, collaboration and subsidiarity in order to get ahead. Government, academia, business and society must work together and in a coordinated manner to find the best mechanisms that minimize the negative effect that this health condition brings to all.
Together with intelligence, with the firm desire to get ahead and supporting each other, the best options can be found to mitigate the negative effects and find the positive and the opportunities in a horizon that is dark and negative.