Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI


Princess vs women engineers

Published by the 14 of September of 2019 en Women in the engineering

Recently, I have been reading proposals concerning driving young girls away from the “romantic idea of the Cinderella´s prince coming to rescue her and being happy forever after”. I won´t give names of that pogrammes that are in progress now to avoid to hurt people. However, my experience as female engineering student´s mom is quite far from all those arguments.

My daughter grow up looking at princesses films, all her birthday parties were princess theme and she wear all princess costumes, and when she wear “the Beauty” her dad wear “the Beast” (what an awesome unexpected surprise). All her childhood was called “Princess” from almost all people around. I was responsible for educated her as a princess and that she should always be treated as a princess. What I meant: in movies they refer to the treatment with delicacy, respect, love and a big NO to violence.  All these issues explain why princess  and innocent age is so important for me. Very young girls has to be used to be treated with respect and love at all times by any person. That made my daughter never accepted any kind of violence, as bullying.

She used to be a princess that payed football, kick ball, tennis, at the same time with dolls and the princess house, play race in a speedway, a gift from Santa; she did swimming, gym, ice skating; she started playing piano but then she fall in love with the violin; she was at the robotic´s club at the same time; she practiced track and field where she discovered she was quite good at that, as well as cross country race; she practiced basquet ball, volley ball and this was her passion for a while. And the list in still long…and she continued looking at the princess films and Disney Channel. Walt Disney is a world changer for her and she made arguments to defend her position in middle school class.

In high school she registered into a robotics team Abtomat for a First Competition. She discovered that she had high skills for maths and physics. Now my princess is a female engineer princess…


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