Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI


Lock down again… (second part)

Published by the 22 of March of 2021 en Business environment, Innovation

New value offering for the new consumer will be quite important. Pandemic forced too many industries to make changes and technology made problems out of their control visible. Therefore, so many industries have been radically transformed and the new consumer is at the top of their objectives, they have to move into the new consumer field and behavior. Innovation will be the framework for that. Engagement is the new key concept and social media and strategic influencers will be strategic to get presence in new consumers mind to make this engagement real.

Automation plus artificial intelligence in some process of the value chain is needed. There will be no more human labor but instead new technologies and algorithms to become more efficient and problem solution. Human labor have changed at this stage and it will have to adapt to new value offerings for the new consumer. As an example we have avatar for online classes, for service delivery with the possibility to design any setting for a new brand experience.

Without any doubt, pandemic has taken out of our comfort zone, so we had to stop not only any single activity in companies and any kind of job, but also we had to take a moment for reflexion about our purpose, mission, vision, values…are they still valid?? This can take a 360º turnaround to our human capital and our focus to our new consumer target.

Finally, pandemic gave a breath to the earth. We could see video from animals at the backyard, gardens or in the streets. However, it was also a big call: businesses need to become sustainable within all process and with the final use to all we consume day to day.


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