Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI


Knowledge … ¿between walls? ¿on line?

Published by the 30 of October of 2020 en Entrepreneurship, Global environment, Leadership, Uncategorized

I had the opportunity to talk to recognized colleagues about the relevance of knowledge. Without hesitate pandemic has made that online courses have been questioned and that many people have made the decision to stop studying until “the things return to normal” (whatever it means). However, time is a factor that, notwithstanding any particular circumstance we are in, it continues.

Human beings are able to adapt to new environments, some are quicker than others, but we end up assuming new conditions in any activity in our lives: family, personal, professional and learning is an important issue to take into account no matter age, social condition, professional profile and so on.

However, I would like to make an space for reflexion about what it really matters:

  • walls, chairs, infraestructure, nice buildings?
  • Knowledge  shared by experts?
  • Activities that let us be involved in that learning?
  • Appropriate  of such information, expertise, skills, competences for ourselves?

It is time to break paradigms to understand that KNOWLEDGE is the VALUE ADDED to a nice building, to any educational institution´s name, it is what it really shapes us, give us skills and competences for life and work. Information is there available at any time, but the fact that experts share their knowledge, it makes the value added that we need to make the difference.

It is time to stop thinking about walls and start being involved in KNOWLEDGE…the rest is just delivery format…



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