Women DON´T look pritier if they Shut up! (Part II)
Published by the 29 of November of 2023 en Knowledge

Nowadays it is so common to hear within the business sector that they are working on gender issues, without saying anything specificly. However, a different reality begins with word expression. When a business woman express her ideas, criticism by men within close envorinment can not wait. If the word expression is related to woman´s business or personal success, it is frequently heard “She is being exhibited herself…let her see how far she goes”. Notwithstanding, when a man word express about the same issues, it is frequently heard “he is an expert and over the top”.
Technology has helped conversations in business environmnt through different apps and platforms such as whatsapp, pushing freedom of expression. However when woman go through coversations are not quite welcome most of the time, even more when misogynistics behaviours and attitudes prevail and are accepted within the group. As an example it might be suggested to set rules for expression in a chat to decide what to say and what does not, as if there is a person with absolute trouth to judge conversations.
Reality in private sector is to far away from what it shoud be: set a system to respect woman for what they are and for what they do; set a protocol to act in case of attitudes and behaviors to violence woman; set a protection system to all victim from gender violence to make them feel safe; set a system of sanctions and consequences for gender violence; have safety places for woman.
For a world free of violence against woman!
For more information:
Romper el silencio y escuchar la palabra (pikaramagazine.com)