Is 2021 a good time to observe, analyze, make decision and act?
Published by the 2 of May of 2021 en Leadership, Regional development

After a year of maintaining the restrictions and limitations caused by the COVID19 pandemic, where serious damage to health and the economy is manifested, both for people and for companies and institutions, taking initiative and leadership becomes momentous and highly relevant.
The new normality, as the post-confinement stage has been called, demands creativity, innovation and above all leadership to continue with what has survived, redesign what must be transformed, and above all rebuild the confidence that it is possible and it will succeed, as well as the social and economic ecosystems (family, business, education, health, community).
This gray stage has shown us the best and worst of people, societies and governments, from where we must learn to generate a better version of each one of us and integrate a community that is capable of facing and overcoming the challenges that arise, attending to the urgency of the present and cementing a prosperous future with well-being for all.
An important challenge to which each one must respond, as far as the personal and collective leadership reaches to promote the agreements and actions necessary to align efforts in a sense that maximizes the benefits derived from alleviating deficiencies, increasing capacities and competencies, as well as correcting whatever is necessary to promote conditions of improvement and to go up every day the steps that lead us to a state of greater well-being, in all aspects, comprehensive and inclusive.
It is worth remembering that when there have been difficult moments and difficult decisions have been made, we owe it to the men and women, who took the initiative and commitment to take the lead to identify the correct course, form a group and a team, as well as well as to promote the conditions to have the necessary resources to take actions that led to getting ahead.
Each one must take the responsibility to observe, analyze, decide and act accordingly; We must be able to listen and at the same time speak, continue as well as lead, negotiate and yield, always recognizing the capacities, competencies and the desire that we all aspire to contribute to a better community where each one can fully develop. In the family, each member contributing; in companies where everyone gives their best, in employer or union associations focused on what is really important and contributes for the good of the group, in political associations building public policies that really favor inclusive social and economic development that allow the construction of a peaceful, just, collaborative, participatory society, full in health and with education that allows you to live, work and develop.
A call to action and to the commitment of all, please, let us be able to take the responsibilities that can be assumed; let’s build the individual and collective leadership that is required; But above all and above all, let us keep alive and present, that you can get ahead and that you can have a family, a city, a state and a better country; Let’s build the world benchmark by achieving what has always been desired in our communities. The future is built today and today we must take responsibility for deciding and acting in favor of development with well-being.