Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI


Innovation or not!

Published by the 15 of October of 2019 en Innovation

Some years ago we made a project for hand-made craft products company that wanted to export to USA. We had to solve a problem that they were facing  to be able to export to designers market: they had to deliver all pieces under pantone colors without affecting any hand made process…

A hand-made craft is unique unless the technology operates in any production process and in that case, the value of hand-made products goes down.

In this case, the main constrain was that no hand-made activity should be affected by technology, but all pieces should have the same color as per pantone. OMG!

We searched how craftsmen made colors and the origin of pigments. As a surprise, we found that color are made out of natural soil from the places the company is stablished. Most of their crafts were red with different shades of color: cerámica de Mayólica.

Therefore, our mission was to get only one color for all the crafts without loosing the hand-made process to prepare the pigments. It is important to mention that red pigment come from the “cochinilla” a bug that lives in that soil; so in some seasons there are more bugs than in others, that´s why the red color sometimes is more intense, and the crafts are never the same.

How would you solve this problem?


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