Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI



Published by the 15 of December of 2023 en Knowledge, Leadership
  1. Different cultures, histories and stereotypes and how these factors can continue to impact gender inequality and the role of conscious and unconscious bias


The governments of Latin America and the Caribbean identified four structural obstacles of gender inequality in the region (Data from the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean In the Regional knowledge management platform)

– socioeconomic inequality and the persistence of poverty in the framework of exclusionary growth;

– discriminatory, violent and patriarchal cultural patterns and the predominance of a culture of privilege;

– the sexual division of labour and unjust social organization of care;

– and the concentration of power and hierarchical relations in the public sphere. Overcoming these obstacles is key to achieving gender equality in the region by 2030.


I must say  that in the case of México, discriminatory, violent and patriarchal cultural patterns is one of the most representative in gender discrimination. It is quite common to see that young women might face to choose between continuing a professional carer within a company or their family.  That is, if women are chosen for a leadership position, most of the time they are not supported by the family, therefore they just reject higher positions. Sometimes is the partner or husband that forces them to give up if this means to earn more money than men at home. So, even if women are talented, with powerful skills and knowledge and mentally prepared for leadership positions, they cannot find the road map in their private life to make a successful career as any other male colleague.

All these factors are worse with women in vulnerable groups or minorities.


On the other hand, the predominance of culture of privilege and hierarchical power are  important issues. There is the culture to privilege the power of male over women in the business environment for example, the environment I belong to.  I have experienced gender violence from presidents of business associations I belong to, I reported it and just nothing happen, as usual.

It is quite common to heard nowadays about gender and inclusion policies within organizations and business associations. However, it is quite common to look at these organizations and associations that only support men when they are the majority members over women, represented by men at the head of that organizations and associations. So, if they are inclusive and with gender perspective, why women are not the learders ?

There are some facts of discrimination and violence in business sector that I have seen as a business woman. For example  when men complain, it is usually said that they have found inconsistency…. When women complain, it is usually said that they are conflictive…when men report corruption, it is usually said that they are trustful… when women report corruption, it is usually said that they are dramatic…  when men don´t allow abuse and set boundaries, it is usually said that they have authority and leadership…when women don´t allow abuse and set boundaries, it is usually said that they are creating a soup opera. Even when women show their successful career, men usually say that women are showing themselves.

Respect has a line, visible for men and invisible for women. It is quite common to hear that empowered women should not be involved in associations and organizations to avoid controversies and instability, unless women are willing to stand disrespect in order to be accepted, with misogyny and phrases like “we have to stand women because we do not have any other choice”.

Therefore, our activism to FIGHT for genuine equality for women to be respected based on what we are and what we have worked, it is necessary today more than ever. Men and women must have the same authority and leadership. Most of the organizations and associations do not have any protocol to protect women in case of disrespect and gender violence that creates inequality environment internally. There are a lot of work to do.!


  1. What advice would you give to young women in Latin America who are just starting their careers and aspire to break through the glass ceiling?

I have some “no matter what! Advice, that I would like to share with you.

1.You have to keep in mind that you are good enough to be successful. No matter what. You will face fear due to uncertainty of new and unknown as any body else. It is the same felling for men and women. The only difference is that women use to say it and men don´t.  So, don´t say it. Just go for it!

2.If you have a partner, fiancé or husband, friends, family, they have to be part of your team at any stage of your life, always! No matter what! They are your support and equilibrium.

3.Set boundaries, no matter what! This is for your own safety.

4.Report any kind of gender violence, no matter what and no matter who! This will build credibility as part of your personal branding, so important for any professional nowadays.

5.Be supportive to other women or men, no matter what! There are persons that for any reason that we don´t know cannot defend themselves. If you can, push them to become stronger.

6.I can continue a never ending list of “no matter what” advices, but we need a lot more time.

All these advices that I just mentioned are so important because all of them together will model your mental health, which is basic for any successful career.

So you are ready to be a leader and to go to infinity and beyond as per Buzz Ligh year would say! No matter what!

Believe me, I have applied all these for more than 30 years and it really works.

And finally I would like to recommend a book that is “The Confidence Code: The science and art of self-assurance – what women should know by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman. By the end of the reading you will realize that you are good enough to be successful.


December 6th, 2023.           

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