Gender equality, demand for actions to achieve it
Published by the 21 of February of 2020 en Knowledge

A constant of our days is the search that generates the conditions conducive to the full development of every human being. Derived from this need, it is important to know and take action on the factors that may limit or limit the full and desired development by girls and women. It is known the limitations that have been imposed on personal development and play in different roles to which they may wish to participate and succeed. The labels imposed, whether by traditions or now by the new social groups, sometimes mutilate the freedom of choice that each of them has, including the great challenge that imposes that the ideal age to be mothers coincides with the age of greatest development Professional as an example, the best way to support in not imposing sitgmas or models, but acompanying in the search for the true self that everyone (woman or girl) wants to be.
It is recognized that the simple declaration of equality is not enough, the criteria and programs that allow it should be established, favor the inclusion programs and those that have the purpose of providing the elements of equity to understand and address the differences that in each case they are presented so that they are not limiting, but on the contrary, they are part of the development platform that enhances capacities and guides actions to achieve the desired goals and objectives.
The family, companies and society in general cannot close thier eyes and not act in favor of their girls and women; it is not valid to point out that this is the way things are, because in the end, things are the way we build them. Action must be taken to accompany and ensure that all its potential is reached; in helping to find the solution when a coflict is generated over time and space to achieve one or more personal goals. The impulse every day the thought that they can achieve whtat they want, that there are few real limitations, most are not real, or come from allowing someone to point out that it cannot be achieved or done. A few months ago a phrase where somebody pointed out thath a girl must choose between being a princess or being an engineer or people of science. It is observed from the beginning to generate limitations in achieving the that each of these positions can have in them; knowing how to dream and at the same time knowing how to prepare and work so that the things you dream come true. Personal development should not be separated from profesional development and at the same time from its integral development as a human being.
Taking again the idea that the family, business and society should be able to provide the schemes for development; An example of these are STEM programs for girls and young students to make incursions and succeed in the areas of engineering and science; It is not observed at any time that they should stop doing other activities that they can enjoy and that complement them in the fields of arts and sports (a great engineer who enjoys playing musical instruments, dancing, painting, playing volleyball, soccer , gymnastics or swimming), where the real limitation is, you can see that nowhere. If you want to be a chef, astronaut, doctor, artist, or mother, you can do it. The important thing is that it is a personal decision and that in its environment is the favorable conditions so that they can do it and do it successfully.
For all the above, it is important that every day actions be built so thet they can make their own decisions, that they can find spaces without violence or limitations just because they are women and that they do not make any sense, that they can travel without being disturbed or attacked, that the society does not use derogatory phrases or those that mark them, having social networks that building and not destoying, schools and universities where their potential is recongnized and the appropiate programs are established to develop thier competences, in a special way that everyone contributes to creating in then a high self-esteem, a sense of achievement and the recognition of the great value that each one has and that therefore no one should attempt against the great treasure tha each one represents and that no one should hurt their dignity, limit their development or happiness and much less being hurt physically or emotionally. No current (traditional or contemporary) is above the well-being of each girl and women, that each one is unique and unrepeatable, so the World needs each one of them; and it needs them at his maximun manifestation where her happiness is the best indiatior of the success.
Society needs to provide protection and attention to their girls and women, must be and work with them and for them. You cannot have a successful society if half of its population is not happy because its development has been limited. Remember that success is different for each of us, so we should not allow any group to put the labels and impose them on others. The great challenge of each person is to achieve their maximum potential, to give the best to their society while achieving the greatest achievement and maximum happiness.
Before finishing, an important idea to highlight is that as a group women and girles should take care of themselves and support each other. Not to believe that being competitive is based on destroying others, but on the contrary, being able to collaborate and compete to acheive great goals, to be better every day within a framework of fraternity and companionship. The results are importat, but how to acheive them are also important. The Good brings the Good; not abuse the Good persons, but defend the one that is Good and acts correctly. When you fall into the trap of just winning, matter wath, it leads to creating a society like the one we have where in the end there are only losers. I repeat the Good brings the Good, if we accompany it with a high motivation, strategy and actions to achieve it, the results will soon be seen with a better society with successful girls and women who know how to collaborate and solidarity with each other, as well as with the best interests of their community.
Let´s work for the well-being of each girl and woman to they got a true collaborative community and a successfully society because each member achieves their máximum potential and máximum happiness.