Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI


Part II. Entrepreneurs with ethics.

Published by the 15 of August of 2020 en Business environment, Entrepreneurship

How nice would be to hear “El que tranza NO avanza” (the one who cheats does not move on) .

Wherever there is money the risk of fraud by an opportunist is always there. No matter if you are a beginner or a business expert. Trust is an important element that opportunist and cheaters will always try to take advantage and the closer the person is to you the more risk you run since your alert system is down.

Values and ethics have to be in your personal branding. Integrity, honesty, respect, truth is the framework  in a business relationship and personal branding. You might make mistakes on the way, however facing and solving with honesty will give you the chance to move on.

Social media have helped to cheaters and their ilegal activities to be exposed. Chambers and business associations have helped too and now ethic companies, business integrity companies and social responsibility are added values to make business.

New entrepreneurships led to slow earnings in the short and medium run with a lot of work to be done. There are no quick earnings.

Some tips:

  1.  Look for business references.
  2. Look for employees references.
  3. Contracts are an advice.
  4. Bank Transfers only.
  5. Look for any report in your Tax System
  6. Activities of doubtful origin just say NO. No matter how much money you will earn.
  7. Social media, chats, emails are evidences.
  8. Legality must be the base of your day to day.
  9. If somebody cheats you, share with your colleagues.

Countries are full of corruption activities and it is on us to avoid it. The line between the right and wrong is quite thin.



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