Creative Industries (Part I)
Published by the 29 of March of 2023 en Business environment, Global environment, Innovation

Creative Inustries is the economics of ideas and knowledge. This concept integrate cultural industries and knowledge economy as a result of the increasing demand of recreative or enterteinment services and cudltural services, all in one. (Felipe Buitrago, 2013)
As a context, UNESCO, the UN Organization with the commitment of Culture, declared 2021 as the International year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development. According to UNESCO, creativity has unique characteristics due to it is a renowable, sustainable and unlimited resource, it is any where worldwide, it is inclusive and human-centered.
Creative economy has a huge impact in economy; in 2013 represented 3% of GDP of the world with 2.25 billions of usd and 30 millios of people were employed worldwide (Felipe Restrepo, 2013).
As it is considered an unlimited resource, creative economy has an accelerated growth with great impact in the industry.
UNESCO activities are based on:
-Digital thinking for transformation
-Artists support
-Collaborative and participatory work
UNESCO has the commitment to highlihgt and enhance the culture contribution to global creatoive economy and sustainable development for 2021, working with digital transformation and equitable remuneration, artists support with their economic and social rights, and work toguether to generate alliances and projects, making a call for action to leading companies and governments to review public policies to gurarantee that creative economy for the future. (UNESCO, 2021)
Other International Organizations to promote creative Economy are:
- Inter-American Development Bank
- Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Department of Culture, Media and Sports
- United Nations for Trade and Development
- World Intellectual Property Organization
All these organizations share the definition of creative economy where the inputs are heritage, art, media, enterteinment, technology and organizational creations, which are protected by copyrigth and can be turned into good or services that provide business opportunities in the presence of creative value chain. This industry currently has the increasing number of jobs for young people between the ages of 18 and 25 in the Latin America and the Caribbean to adopt new mind-base business models at early stages and who will have to be more creative with science, technology and culture (Felipe Buitrago, 2013)