Creative Economy (Part II)
Published by the 1 of April of 2023 en Business environment, Global environment, Innovation

Creative economy has a mixture of creative industries and cultural industries within the intersection of arts, culture, commerce and technology with the opportunity of being a tool to recover identity and social recomposition in spaces that have strong identity meaning for citizens. In addition, economic recovery can take place through new brand products and services that can be generated within the area to contribute to economic development, enhance creativity and cultural development.
Based on cultural diversity and creativity, Creative Economy promotes a development model for economic and social change to protect heritage, support to artists and a way for a fast new employment creation within the sector with innovation as the key for economic recovery of a country. Therefore it is so important the support to entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation for economic growth, new employment creation and to strengthen the existing ones for new inclusive opportunities for women and young people. (Felipe Buitrago Restrepo, 2013
UNESCO´s 2030 agenda are focused in activities based on knowledge and human creativity, ideas and technology, as well as cultural value and heritage, art and creative expressions created by individuals. Therefore, UNESCO is commited to support the economy of developing countries in the transition to more productive sectors through high value activities, promoting diversification, technological update and research and development; the research and innovation with decent and productive jobs through the cultural promotion of creative and educative industries, sustainable industries, arts and heritage preservation activities. (UNESCO, Naciones Unidas declara el 2021 como el Año Internacional de la Economía Creativa para el Desarrollo Sostenible, 2021)
Creative Economy promotes creativity and innovation for an inclusive, equity and sustainable growth and development, with life changes supporting women, youth, immigrants, elderly and give empowerment to groups under vulnerable conditions to promote diversity in cultural expressions for sustainable development. (UNESCO, Naciones Unidas declara el 2021 como el Año Internacional de la Economía Creativa para el Desarrollo Sostenible, 2021)
The Sustainable Development Objectives (SDO 17) have proposed development to meet the needs of present without to compromise future generation in their ability to satisfy their own needs. There is no Sustainable Development Objective focused on the issue of creative industries but it does rise the promotion as a key role in sustainable development of society and cities due to its economic growth, transformation potential for sustainable change, employment creation and so on. Therefore, there are some SDO referring to creative economy as SDO 4 quality education (4.7) for cultural diversity and contribution to culture; SDO 8 decent work and economic growth to support productive activities, decent employment, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation and sustainable tourism promotion; SDO 11 sustainable cities and communities to protect and safeguard cultural heritage; SDO 12 responsible consumption and production, to promote sustainable activities for job creation for cultural and local products and services; SDO 17 partnership for the goals to build private- public alliances with society to strengthen creative economy (UN,2022)