Gnosis XXI

Logo Gnosis XXI


Connection with the world

The word is a place where we develop our talents. Gnosis XXI is the key to understand it and take advantage of any opportunity.

GNOSIS XXI is a window to the world, to identify high value opportunities to be offered to focused agents interested in local environment. It is a communication and contact bridge with international agents to support personal, business and government development in Mexico to create high impact development sinegies.



United Kingdom

  • Chevening Programme
  • Chevening Alumni Association
  • Education and Research Centres such as Lancaster University, University of Manchester, Newcastle Business School-Northumbria University.


  • CENER / Centro de Energías Renovables
  • Instituto de Empresa / Dirección de Operaciones y Tecnología
  • Universidad de Deusto / Deusto Business School / Orkestra - Instituto
  • Universidad de Cantabria / Cátedra Pyme / Cátedra Santander de Empresa Familiar
  • Universidad de Granada / Centro de Emprendimiento
  • Universidad de Sevilla / Cátedra Santander de Empresa Familiar
  • Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona / Departamento de Negocios / Emprendimiento
  • Fondo Reina Sofía


  • Chile - Diana Correa-FERRANT Chile
  • Germany - Steinbeis
  • Japan - All Japan Robot Sumo Tournament
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