Common sense, Discernment and GPT Chat
Published by the 1 of May of 2024 en Business environment, Global environment, Innovation, Leadership

GPT chat has a lot of controversy related to information, the use according to ethics and job sustitution in the near future. Also it is possible to feel overwhelming due to amount of information generated due to GPT Chat and to make sure that all information has value added.
There is a good or bad news, depending where you are.
According to Real Academia Española, discernment is the human being capacity to distinguis, differentiate and discriminate. GPT chat is closed to discernment but not all.
On the other hand, common sense is the human capacity to understand and judge a situation. The Real Academina Española does not have a difinition although there are other concepts closed to common sense such as:
- Ability to perceive internal and external stimuli
- Ability to recognize our reality and make a link through knowledge, perception, discernment, understanding, intelligence, perceptibility, awareness and sensivity.
- Way to focus, understand and judge something.
- Ability to make something good and judge about it.
- Reason to be or purpose of something
- logic
Value information generation is a big question nowadays since AI estarted and it is just there where discerment and common sense has a job to do. Quantity of information is growing so fast and there is not enough time to analyse all for a eficient decision making.
Therefore, if you have developed common sense and and discerment over the time, then you are ready for decision making using GPT chat to help you with information. GPT chat is a value tool that must be used to push decision making WITHOUT competing using human tools that IA has not yet mastered.
GNOSIS XXI has a training methodology to teach you how!