Gnosis XXI

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Is 2021 a good time to observe, analyze, make decision and act?

Published by the 2 of May of 2021 en Leadership, Regional development

After a year of maintaining the restrictions and limitations caused by the COVID19 pandemic, where serious damage to health and the economy is manifested, both for people and for companies and institutions, taking initiative and leadership becomes momentous and highly relevant. The new normality, as the post-confinement stage has been called, demands creativity, innovation and […]

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Just historical!

Published by the 20 of January of 2021 en Knowledge, Leadership

Today is a day to celebrate, to keep in our memories and a day to be tell by our women generation by generation. A woman takes office as Vicepresident of the United States of America. The first women from a minority group, daughter of  immigrants from India and Jamaica. With no doubt  opportunities for women […]

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Knowledge … ¿between walls? ¿on line?

Published by the 30 of October of 2020 en Entrepreneurship, Global environment, Leadership, Uncategorized

I had the opportunity to talk to recognized colleagues about the relevance of knowledge. Without hesitate pandemic has made that online courses have been questioned and that many people have made the decision to stop studying until “the things return to normal” (whatever it means). However, time is a factor that, notwithstanding any particular circumstance […]

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