Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI


Gender Violence does not stop!!

Published by the 25 of November of 2020 en Knowledge

There are so many reasons for gender violence…but one of the main is when a women faces any kind of violence and she reports it nobody believe it… if juts as a miracle somebody believe it, then women has to be resilient (word on fashion within so many institutions to hide impunity) and forgive the […]

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Now what…

Published by the 13 of April of 2020 en Knowledge

Here we are, in the middle of a pandemic that even in my worse nightmares I would not have seen ourselves with our small families…following the news to know what´s following…and trying to organize our lives one day at a time…trying to understand what happened and why it happened…no one knows for sure… or maybe […]

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Gender equality, demand for actions to achieve it

Published by the 21 of February of 2020 en Knowledge

A constant of our days is the search that generates the conditions conducive to the full development of every human being. Derived from this need, it is important to know and take action on the factors that may limit or limit the full and desired development by girls and women. It is known the limitations […]

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