Gnosis XXI

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Where is your business: Transformation or evolution?

Published by the 18 of April of 2022 en Global environment, Innovation, Women in the engineering

My dear friend Selene Diez, Forte Innovation Consulting CEO, has stated in her article “Transformation or Digital Evolution” important issues that have evolved during the pandemic lock down: our future in the digital world. (Full article at the end of this writing). During the lock down, we had to transform our companies without any question…there […]

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Knowledge … ¿between walls? ¿on line?

Published by the 30 of October of 2020 en Entrepreneurship, Global environment, Leadership, Uncategorized

I had the opportunity to talk to recognized colleagues about the relevance of knowledge. Without hesitate pandemic has made that online courses have been questioned and that many people have made the decision to stop studying until “the things return to normal” (whatever it means). However, time is a factor that, notwithstanding any particular circumstance […]

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¿Where is our future? Strategic Foresight & action after COVID-19

Published by the 7 of August of 2020 en Business environment, Global environment, Regional development

One big question after COVID19 is concerning the conditions and environment when economic activities start again. It is like to be able to have a cristal bowl to know how the future would be and to be ready to survive on a first stage and to settle the framework for a second stage of development […]

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A Moment of Reflection

Published by the 13 of April of 2020 en Business environment, Entrepreneurship, Global environment, Innovation, Leadership, Regional development

The crisis, both health and economic, generated by the COVID-19 has led to restrictions on the mobility and operation of businesses considered non-essential. One thing is certain, that after the return to general activities the World will not be operating in the same way. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we establish what we […]

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