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Creative Economy (Part IV) the value added of technology.

Published by the 17 of April of 2023 en Business environment, Global environment, Innovation

The creative economy have found an strategic ally in technology to boost new brand and innovative product and service generation, with high creative content for a great impact in consumer´s experience. In arts with digital an interactive museums, videomapping, living museums, festivals with lightning and 360 soundtrack, interactive historic places with dynamic tours using QR […]

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Creative Economy (Part III)

Published by the 2 of April of 2023 en Business environment, Global environment, Innovation

UNESCO created in 2004 Creative Cities Network to promote the cooperation within the cities that settle creativity as strategic sustainable urban development and to strengthen cultural and creative industries in the development local plan. (UNESCO, 2022).   The commitment of each city is to share the best practices, with the association of public-private sector and […]

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Creative Economy (Part II)

Published by the 1 of April of 2023 en Business environment, Global environment, Innovation

Creative economy has a mixture of creative industries and cultural industries within the intersection of arts, culture, commerce and technology with the opportunity of being a tool to recover identity and social recomposition in spaces that have strong identity meaning for citizens. In addition, economic recovery can take place through new brand products and services […]

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Creative Industries (Part I)

Published by the 29 of March of 2023 en Business environment, Global environment, Innovation

Creative Inustries is the economics of ideas and knowledge. This concept integrate cultural  industries and knowledge economy as a result of the increasing demand of recreative or enterteinment services and cudltural services, all in one. (Felipe Buitrago, 2013) As a context, UNESCO, the UN Organization with the commitment of Culture, declared 2021 as the International […]

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