Gnosis XXI

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Is 2021 a good time to observe, analyze, make decision and act?

Published by the 2 of May of 2021 en Leadership, Regional development

After a year of maintaining the restrictions and limitations caused by the COVID19 pandemic, where serious damage to health and the economy is manifested, both for people and for companies and institutions, taking initiative and leadership becomes momentous and highly relevant. The new normality, as the post-confinement stage has been called, demands creativity, innovation and […]

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Innovation through talent and collaboration

Published by the 3 of August of 2020 en Business environment, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership, Regional development

There is a lot of talent in our environment (family, collaborators, friends) that we must consider at all times. Basically it is because  we have been educated to try to solve everything on our own. This is not possible any more at present times, since the reality is complex and it demands to share competences […]

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A Moment of Reflection

Published by the 13 of April of 2020 en Business environment, Entrepreneurship, Global environment, Innovation, Leadership, Regional development

The crisis, both health and economic, generated by the COVID-19 has led to restrictions on the mobility and operation of businesses considered non-essential. One thing is certain, that after the return to general activities the World will not be operating in the same way. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we establish what we […]

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Protection and recovery actions against contingency

Published by the 7 of April of 2020 en Business environment, Global environment, Leadership, Regional development

At any time, each individual person or company can be immersed in contingencies that endanger development, and even endanger subsistence. These days a situation manifests itself where in a massive and general way the majority is involved in a high risk situation. The economy in general at risk of collapse and many of the companies […]

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Gender equality, demand for actions to achieve it

Published by the 21 of February of 2020 en Knowledge

A constant of our days is the search that generates the conditions conducive to the full development of every human being. Derived from this need, it is important to know and take action on the factors that may limit or limit the full and desired development by girls and women. It is known the limitations […]

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A second step for the development of the Central-Western Region

Published by the 11 of December of 2019 en Regional development

The shaping of the Central-Western region, as discussed in a previous article, is only the first step of the action that will take the important path to inclusive integral development; and the possibility of accessing and participating in a knowledge-based economy. Therefore, processes and projects that allow progress in this direction must be generated. As […]

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