Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI


Gender Violence does not stop!!

Published by the 25 of November of 2020 en Knowledge

There are so many reasons for gender violence…but one of the main is when a women faces any kind of violence and she reports it nobody believe it… if juts as a miracle somebody believe it, then women has to be resilient (word on fashion within so many institutions to hide impunity) and forgive the […]

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Family Business

Published by the 11 of November of 2020 en Entrepreneurship

Due to the pandemic effects on SMEs, it is so important to consider that most of them are family business. However, to what extent our business is family Business??  Our recognized colleague, la Dra. Gertie M. Agraz Boeneker de ASYMETRIA talk about it.

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Knowledge … ¿between walls? ¿on line?

Published by the 30 of October of 2020 en Entrepreneurship, Global environment, Leadership, Uncategorized

I had the opportunity to talk to recognized colleagues about the relevance of knowledge. Without hesitate pandemic has made that online courses have been questioned and that many people have made the decision to stop studying until “the things return to normal” (whatever it means). However, time is a factor that, notwithstanding any particular circumstance […]

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