Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI


Women DON´T look prettier if they shut up! (Part I).

Published by the 7 of September of 2023 en Knowledge

It is quite common to heard nowadays about gender and inclusion policies within organizations and associations. However, it is quite common to look at organizations and associations that support men when they are the majority members over women. Usually men are at the head of that organizations and associations. So, if they are really inclusive […]

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Creative Economy (Part IV) the value added of technology.

Published by the 17 of April of 2023 en Business environment, Global environment, Innovation

The creative economy have found an strategic ally in technology to boost new brand and innovative product and service generation, with high creative content for a great impact in consumer´s experience. In arts with digital an interactive museums, videomapping, living museums, festivals with lightning and 360 soundtrack, interactive historic places with dynamic tours using QR […]

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