An Interconnected World through Knowledge and Innovation
Published by the 11 of March of 2025 en Business environment, Global environment, Innovation, Leadership, Regional development

The reality that is presented to us in 2025 brings with it many challenges to be overcome and great opportunities to be made a reality. The global environment where rules, decrees, initiatives and tariffs arise or disappear, forcing decision makers to be alert and maintain critical thinking and be assertive in the strategies to follow.
A tool that can be recognized to address complex conditions and problems is systemic thinking, which becomes an excellent ally, as well as reviewing the way in which they have been solved or taken advantage of in the past, considering what is new in terms of knowledge, technology and approaches.
The flexibility provided by this type of approach, methodologies and tools, allows for a more precise analysis and the possibility of accessing consensus, or at least common visions on the situation, by the different actors interested in addressing the conditions that arise.
Cases of interest that can be brought to the table are found in literature, in business results and in the memory of decision makers. Taking the case of Soft Systems Methodology (Checkland: 2006, 1998, 1990, 1981). Applications in the National Health Service (NHS), British Airways, among other cases in government organizations and companies show the important contribution to the understanding and solution of complex situations and problems. Other tools derived from systemic thinking can support the processes according to the nature and objectives of the analysis and interventions.
This leads us to identify change as a constant that requires being understood, managed and handled in the best way, so decision making must be supported by the appropriate frameworks and approaches, as well as critical thinking that allows identifying what is essential and important from the rest, especially in complex contexts or with a lot of information.
Innovation continues to be one of the most valuable elements to provide effective, efficient and effective responses to challenges, as well as generating and taking advantage of opportunities based on the solution of a need or providing better levels of satisfaction. To achieve innovation, it is necessary to understand situations, analyze them accurately and propose alternatives that really generate value for the person receiving the solution or proposal, as well as for those offering it, applying knowledge and technology as a source and support for innovation.
An example of understanding what it means to think systemically, to use the resources of science and technology, the knowledge of people, marketing and especially creativity to generate an attractive world for its viewers and visitors is given by Walt Disney, a visionary who never gave up, who knew how to form high-performance teams, instill a culture of service and quality focused on the client, the use of imagination and technology to give life and shine to the happiest place on earth.
Quality in every detail was important to Disney, so much so that the best-selling book “In Search of Excellence” presents the Disney World park in Orlando as an example of an organization that has managed to have leadership and a culture of quality, as well as processes to ensure it (Peters and Waterman Jr.: 1982); (video: If that was the opinion in 1982, imagine what they can do in 2025, a whole world of experiences, “we create to inspire” (Walt Disney Imagineering: 2025, ).
The use of robotics, engineering, animation, creating attractive stories and above all generating a positive experience for the consumer; everything seen in a comprehensive way, everything thought out and analyzed, always putting in fun, enjoyment and above all always feeling good. To achieve this, in addition to hard work, the creation of specialized areas such as imagineering (imagination engineering, a multi-skill, multi-approach, multi-profession area, working together to make dreams come true.
This division, a think tank created by Walt Disney in 1952, “We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things, because we are curious. And curiosity takes us down new paths. We are always exploring and experimenting. We call Imagineering the combination of creative imagination with technical know-how.” – Walt Disney (Walt Disney Imagineering: 2025. ), has been so important for the development of Disney parks, as they have the responsibility of creating the impossible and making it attractive, safe and fun. One world to learn about strategy, structure, quality, innovation, creativity, and innovation in a competitive and highly complex world is WED Enterprises.
Finally, we must remember that for these complex conditions and situations we must resort to the tools that allow us to handle it in the best way and find solutions that are pertinent and plausible. If the conquest of space required working in a systemic way, our organizations, cities and environments could achieve an understanding of the situations and the creation of consensus to establish feasible solutions and proposals that lead us to a higher state of achievement and fulfillment.