Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI
Francisco Javier Camarena Juárez

Francisco Javier Camarena Juárez

  • Evidential Reasoning, Universidad de Girona (2021)
  • Master in Constitucional and Human Rights Law, Universidad Iberoamericana - León (2017)
  • LLM in IT and Telecom Law, University of Strathclyde (2001)
  • Bachelor of Laws, Universidad Iberoamericana, CDMX (1997)


  • Chevening Values
  • Sustainability
  • Commitment
  • Integrity
  • Resilience
  • Analytical skills


  • IUCN Member (World Commission on Environmental Law / WCEL), since 2016
  • Earth Charter Mexico - Member, since 2012
  • Chevening Alumni Mexico, since 2001


  • Evidential Reasoning, Universidad de Girona (2021)
  • Master in Constitucional and Human Rights Law, Universidad Iberoamericana - León (2017)
  • LLM in IT and Telecom Law, University of Strathclyde (2001)
  • Bachelor of Laws, Universidad Iberoamericana, CDMX (1997)


  • Spanish
  • English



    Head of multidisciplinary teams in environmental & climate change policy
    and regulation. Broad network of contacts in federal, estate and
    municipal authorities, private sector, NGOs and environmental agencies.

In-depth knowledge in broad topics: UNFCCC, Biodiversity framework,
ecosystem services, climate justice, air-quality, SDGs, Sustainable Ocean
Economy. Senior manager in Mexican Government (SEMARNAT,
PEMEX). International Consultant. UK Secondment (Oftel, currently

Leadership, Decision-making, Detail-oriented, Teamwork.


    Partner at Lopez Velarde, Wilson Law Firm (LVWHB), S.C. — 2015 - 2024
    • Implementation of Sustainable Compliance Strategies (ESG), Negotiation
    • Enviro, Energy and Infrastructure Litigation (Constitutional and Administrative
    Review). Environmental Code (LGEEPA), Climate Change (LGCC),
    Environmental liability (LFRA). Follow-up of recent Supreme Court rulings.
    • Environmental Technical Regulations within Several Industrial Sectors, i.e.
    Energy (Renewables, Transition from Fossil Sources), Mining, Refining, Petrol
    Stations, Drilling Works, Automotive, Maritime and Coastal Operations.

Professor of Environmental and Administrative Law — 2012 - 2024
• Universidad La Salle Bajio. Universidad Iberoamericana León. UNIVA León.

Environmental Lecturer at Neopetrol -2016 - 2024
• Workshops, Seminars and Lectures for the energy sector
• Low-Carbon, green taxation and technical (ASEA) compliance, renewable
and cleaner sources of energy / WasteToEnergy

International Consultant
• 2023-2024. Update of the National Policy of Oceans and Coastal Zones in
Mexico (Política Nacional de Mares y Costas - PNMCM). Multilateral joint
programme toward blue economy and integrated coastal zone management
(ICZM), green finance, ie. World Bank, SEMAR, SEMARNAT, SHCP.
• 2023. Harmony with Nature. Rights of Nature, ONU.
• 2022. Environmental Crime Guidelines / Wildlife Crime. UNODC.
2022. New Institutional arrangements for the environmental management and
disposal of PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls). Implementation of Stockholm
Convention. UNDP.
• 2021. Updating Electronic Waste Regulation Implementation of Basil &
Stockholm Convention. UNDP.
• 2019. Implementation of Nagoya Protocol in Mexico. Access and Benefit
Sharing (ABS). Convention on Biodiversity (CBD). UNDP.

Director General - Parque Metropolitano de León (PML) - 2016 - 2017
• Head of multidisciplinary teams, i.e. management, accounting, and forestry.
• Development and Implementation of Biodiversity Strategy for the Metropolitan
Park (City of Leon).
• Delivery of Organizational Change, in the PML team. Hosting international
events with the PML, i.e. Ballon Int’l Festival, Birding, Running and Sports

Head of Environmental Directorate, Municipality Authority (City of León)
• Head of the Compliance Team, i.e. EIA, Urban Forest, Waste, and Air-Quality

Senior Environmental Manager / Federal Officer (Delegado Federal /
Environmental Ministry - SEMARNAT) — 2006 - 2013
• Senior Manager. Financial management of $50 millions pesos’ projects in
rural communities (yearly), i.e. Biosphere Reserve in Montes Azules (Chiapas)
and Sierra Guanajuato. Scope of team: +50 people (mgmt / technical team).
Monitoring and evaluation of projects related with nature-based solutions.
• Responsible for the issuing of environmental permits (Environmental Impact
Assessment, Air Pollution, Waste Mgmt, Change of Land Use, Forestry
Conservation and Emission Reporting, Integrated Pollution Prevention and
Control - IPPC). Liaison-point with federal and subnational governments,
NGOs, civil society (Guanajuato / Chiapas)
In-house Lawyer, PEMEX — 2003 - 2006
• Oil Industry (i.e. Supply, Transportation, Supply-Services, Public Works,
Lump-Sum, Turnkey Contracts). Follow up of maritime contracts / charter
agreements. Demurrage & Force majeure.
Regulatory Counsel, Federal Telecom Commission (COFETEL) 2002-2003
• Review of Mexican regulation and policy in telecom sector. Universal service.
Regulatory Counsel, Office of Telecommunications (OFTEL) 2001 - 2002
• UK Regulatory body for the Telecommunications Industry. Currently, Office of
Communications (Ofcom). Conditions of telecom permits and licenses.
Universal Service, Data Protection, Fund for Liabilities in shared infrastructure.
In-house Lawyer, DGAC (Aeronautical Authority) — 1998-1999
• Legal counsel in aviation and airport regulation (ICAO).
Legislative advisor - House of Representatives — 1992-1998
• Draft of new legislation and legislative proposals, i.e. telecom & transport
sector. Competition barriers and transition from traditional telephony to VoIP.

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