Gnosis XXI, Founder and CEO, (2018 - Today)

Fernando Herrera Pons
- Industrial & Systems Engineer
- Master of Administration
- MSc. in Information Management
- PhD. In Business and Management of Business Activity with Applications to SME, Entrepreneurship, and Family Business
- Confidence
- Integrity
- Trustworthiness
- Accountability
- Commitment
- Regional development projects
- Participative and collaborative decision making
- Business Process Improvement
- Project Management
- Strategic planning display
- Business transformation
- Business Intelligence
- Competitive improving
- Opportunities identification and analysis process
- Systems thinking actions
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- PhD in Business Activity with Applications to SME, Entrepreneurship, and Family Business-Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, España (2017)
- Msc in Information Management - Lancaster University. UK, (1995)
- Master of Business Administration - Tecnológico de Monterrey, León, México (1990)
- Industrial and Systems Engineer - Tecnológico de Monterrey, León, México (1985)
- Certified Professor in Systems ITESM (2004)
- Certifies Facilitator in Technical Teaching PB - (Problem Based Learning) ITEMS System (2002)
- Advanced-Author Designer (Problem Based Learning) Wheeling Jesuit University, West Virginia, USA (2002)
- Outstanding Cum Lauden evaluation in the PhD dissertation
- Borrego de Oro 2011 (Golden Bighorn Sheep ITESM Prize), Campus Leon Team recognition for design, funding, development and operation of CIEN Technology Park
- CONACYT Scholarship (University of Lancaster, UK) (October 1994 - September 1995).
- Spanish, Home-language.
- Fluent English.
High leadership in multicultural and multidisciplinary team work. Expertise in complex situations analysis focusing in high impact solutions through systemic thinking and strategic planning for business and regions. Strategic opportunities search for Competitively, Economic and Social Development and Regional Development, looking for social wealth, equity and inclusion. High skills in mind-facture, knowledge creation and ecosystems design within innovation framework.
Expert in conceptualization design and implementation of Technology Oarks. Wide networking integrated by Guanajuato State Authorities from Municipality of Leon, Presidents of Chambers, Research Centres, Universities and Institutions and ONG's.
Institute of Entrepreneurship Eugenio Garza Laguera-Tecnológico de Monterrey (2012 - 2018), References: Sergio Ortiz Valdés, Eleazar Puente Rivera, Research Professor in Entrepreneurship and Regional Development Consultant in Regional Development and Participative Decision Making
Engineering and Science Department-Tecnológico de Monterrey (1986 - 2017)
References: Juan Manuel Lopez Ramírez, Eleazar Puente Rivera
Full time Associate Professor
Consultant and extensionist (2004 - 2017)
Ethics Committee Coordinator (2004 - 2006)
Head of Industrial and Systems Department (1992 - 1994)
Academic Advisor of Industrial Systems Programee (1986 - 1994)
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Division-Tecnológico de Monterrey (2009 - 2014) , References: Mario Adrián Flores Castro,
Head of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Division, Head of CIEN Technology Oark (2011 - 2014) , Leader of Planning, design and conceptualisation CIEN Technology Park (2009 - 2011)
Tecnológico de Monterrey (2006 - 2015), References: Mario Adrián Flores Castro, Research Professor in Identification of Strategical Opportunities for Development (México and Guanajuato) (2008 - 2015) Academic Senator of the Western Area (2006 - 2012)
Guanajuato State Government (2004 - 2018)
References: Ulises Pérez Fernández, Héctor López Santillana.
- Moderator in Planning Forums for Guanajuato State Developing Plan to 2014 "Foros de Planeación para el Plan Estatal de Desarrollo del Estado de Guanajuato 2040 (2017 - 2018)
- Substitute counselor for the Evaluation Committee of the GUanajuato State Mix Fund "Comité de Evaluación Estatal del Fondo Mixto" (CONACYT) (Juanuary 2012 - March 2016)
- Member of the team to identify Strategical Opportunities for Guanajuato Development (2008 - 2015)
- Evaluator of the "Premio Estatal de Innovacióon" (2010 y 2011)
- Moderator for workshop in First National Congress of Innovation for Competitivity "1st. Congreso Nacional de Innovación para la Competitividad" (2007)
- Panels of Consulting Moderator for 2006 - 2030 Guanajuato State Science and Technology program "Foros de Consulta para la Actualización del Programa Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnología del Estado de Guanajuato 2006- 2030" (2005 - 2006)
- Moderator in Planning Forums for Guanajuato State Developing Plan to 2030 "Foros de Consulta para el Plan de Gobierno del Estado de Guanajuato 2006 - 2012" (2006)
- Moderator of Team Members in Planning Workshops for Security Planning of Guanajuato State Counties "Miembro del equipo de facilitadores los Talleres de Planeación de los Programas de Seguridad de los Municipios del Estado de Guanajuato" (2004 - 2005)
Municipio de León (2007 - Today)
References: Graciela Amaro Hernández; Gerardo Ibarra Aranda; Héctor López Santillana
- Counselor to Explora (Science and Technology Museum) (July 2019 - Today)
- Counselor to the Municipal Planning Institute of León Guanajuato (IMPLAN) (June 2012 - September 2018)
Head of Commission of Education in IMPLAN Council. Leoón Municipality (August 2012 - December 2016)
- Member of Commission of Economic Direction in IMPLAN Council. Leon Municipality (August 2012 - July 2015)
- Member of the Health Tourism Council of Leon "Consejo Consultivo de Turismo de Salud del Municipio de León" (2007 - 2008)
Fox Center (2008 - 2011)
References: Vicente Fox Quesada
- Member of the Fox Center Technical Committee "Comité Técnico del Consejo del Centro Fox"
-Chamber of Shoe Industry (CICEG)
-Chamber of Commerce (CANACO)
-Chamber of Tannery (CICUR)
-Chamber of Business Woman (AMMJE LEON)
-Consejo Coordinador Empresarial (CCE)
-Municipality of León
-Guanajuato State Government
-Ministry of International Affairs Guanajuato State
-Ministry of Economic Development
-Ministry of Education
-Ministry of Innovation and Higher Education
-Ministry of Health
-Clusters: Automotive, Agro-food, Aerospace, Leather-Shoe, Textile.
-Research Centres: CIO, Langebio, CINVESTAV, CIATEC, CIMAT
Innovation and Technology Parks: Parque CIEN (ITESM), Parque de Innovación de la Salle, Parque IBEROinnovación (Universidad Iberoamericana), Parque Agrobioteg, NOVAERA, Guanajuato Tecnoparque (Universidad de Guanajuato)
Chamber of Shoe Industry (CICEG)
Chamber of Commerce (CANACO)
Chamber of Tannery (CICUR)
Chamber of Business Woman (AMMJE LEON)
Consejo Coordinador Empresarial (CCE)
Municipality of León
Guanajuato State Government
Ministry of International Affairs Guanajuato State
Ministry of Economic Development
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Innovation and Higher Education
Ministry of Health
Clusters: Automotive, Agro-food, Aerospace, Leather-Shoe, Textile.
Research Centres: CIO, Langebio, CINVESTAV, CIATEC, CIMAT.
Innovation and Technology Parks: Parque CIEN (ITESM), Parque de Innovacion de La Salle, Parque de IBEROInnovación (Universidad Iberoamericana), Paque Agrobioteg, NOVAERA, Guanajuato Tecnoparque (Universiad de Guanajuato) and CEMER.