January 2022 - today. CNEMCO Associated - Innovation Gym Mentoring.

Adriana Maldonado Jiménez
- International Relations (UNAM)
- MSc. International Trade and Finance (Lancaster UK, Chevening)
- Master in Innovation for Business Development (ITESM)
- Cluster analysis integration.
- Letter of Credit, Education, Planning, BSC and Gender programmes
- Gender Equality
- CNEMCO (León) Associated
- IMEF Associated
- Open Government.
- General Secretary Chevening Alumni México British Embassy.
- Chevening Values
- Honesty
- Loyalty
- Commitment
- Equity, Inclusive
- Responsibility
- Respectful
- Integrity
- Trustworthiness
- Accountability
- Transparency
- Resilient
- Tolerance
- Guarantee of success
- Open Government (Instituto de Acceso a la Información Pública del Estado de Guanajuato, 2020)
- Problem Solving. (Michigan University 2020)
- Negotiation Skills (Michigan University 2020)
- Mentoring (2020)
- Design Thinking (2019)
- Innovation Semminar (Punto Mexico Conectado, 2018)
- Self Managing Leadership Program. (Oxford Leadership. 2017)
- Certification in Programa de Desarrollo de Habilidades Docentes (ITESM 2006-2013)
- Certificate as Facilitator (ITESM 2013)
- TRIZ seminar (CIMAT 2013)
- Master in Innovation for Enterprise Development (ITESM 2013)
- POL Certification (ITESM 2006)
- Certificate in Case Methodology (Centro Internacional de Casos, ITESM 2006)
- BSC (ITESM 2006)
- MBA (ITESM 2006)
- Assessing Bank Risk Management (Thunderbird University, 1997)
- International Frouds (BOFA, 1996)
- MSc. International Trade and Finance (Lancaster University UK, 1995)
- Chevening Schoolarship (FCO UK 1995)
- International Trade Diploma (ITESM 1994)
- International Business Certificate (UNAM 1991)
- Bs.International Relations (Faculty of Political & Social Sciences, UNAM, 1990)
- English Teacher (1988)
- English (100%)
- French (90%)
- Spanish (native language)
- Japanesse (20%)
- Chevening Alumni Mexico (General Secretary)
- Chevening Alumni Mexico (Education Coordinator)
- Chevening Alumni Mexico. (Chair Guanajuato)
- AMEXME (León) Associated.
- CNEMCO Specialized Consultancy Associated.
- IMEF Associated
- ExaTec Mom´s club
- ExaTec
- Lancaster University Alumni
- Neighborhood representative (2000-2017)
- Parents Mentoring (Miraflores College 2002-2010)
High skills and leadership in multicultural and multidisciplinary team work. Design of new business models within innovation framework. Problem solving focusing on high impact results. Expertise in Planning for Enterprise, Education Institutions, Government and Regional Development. Clúster´s analysis for Guanajuato´s government and Leon Municipality. Design of Gender Programmes. Design of the Pre-Paid Letter of Credit for the Mexican Financial System (1996) (Global financial instrument). High negotiation skills for high impact results. B2B B2C. Session certified Facilitator. Global Mentoring certified. Home Office management.
October 2021 - today, Global Mentor IDEA Guanajuato. Guanajuato Mexico
February 2020 today, Innovation and value creation Vice-President, Gender Equality Manager. GNOSIS XXI, SC.
August 2017 today, Co-Funder, CVO, Consultant and facilitator strategic projects Planning, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and Regional Development. GNOSIS XXI, SC.
September 2014 - 2020, Consultant and facilitator of Transparencia Consultores, L3 Program for development of capabilities in Leadership for SMES. Economy Ministry-Guanajuato government.
September 2010 - march 2018, Development of Strategic Projects. Strategic Projects Team. ITESM Leon Campus León.
January 2014 - December 2014, Diploma courses and Extension Programs Coordinator. ITESM Leon Campus.
Facilitator GLOBAL MBA, ITESM-Thunderbird University. English 100%
Tecnológico de Monterrey ,2008 - 2015
References: Mario Adrián Flores Castro, Research Professor in Identification of Strategical Opportunities for Development (México and Guanajuato) (2008 - 2015) Academic Senator of the Western Area (2006 - 2012)
January 2014 - December 2014, Diploma courses and Extension Programs Coordinator. ITESM Leon Campus.
Facilitator GLOBAL MBA, ITESM-Thunderbird University. English 100%
January 2006 –December 2012, Professor in International Business Bs (senior years). ITESM Leon Campus.
Modules: International Competitivity Analysis, Competitivity and Geoeconomics, International Projects Development, International negotiations, Business worldwide, International Agreements. English 100% taught courses.
2006-2008, Women Program Coordinator. ITESM, León Campus.
Development of high skills and abilities for woman Coordinator. ITESM. León Campus.
2005 - 2008, Enterprise Link and On-line Masters Coordinator.. ITESM, León. León Guanajuato México.
1997-1998, International Business senior Executive, International Division, Banamex SA. León Guanajuato México.
1994-1997, New Products Development Manager. International Division, Banamex. México D.F. (Design, development, international negotiation, implementation and marketing of pre-paid Letter of Credit) Design of training program for new business executives International Division. Banamex SA. México, D.F.
1993-1994, Business Executive Adviser. International División. Banamex. México, D.F .
Jul-Oct 2022 Identification of Opportunities for Articulation and Strenghtening of Clusters in the Context of Historic City. IMPLAN. León Guananjuato, México.
March 2017 - February 2018, Plan Estatal de Desarrollo Guanajuato 2040. (Development Plan for Guanajuato State 2040) IPLANEG-ITESM Campus León. León Guanajuato, México.
October-November 2015, Plan Metropolitano de Desarrollo de León. (Development Plan for metropolitan área) IPLANEG- Constructora Alvarado Durán SA CV – ITESM.
January- August 2014, Plan Municipal de Desarrollo. León hacia el Futuro. Visión 2040. (Development Plan for Leon County 2040) IMPLAN-ITESM. León Campus.
2011, Feasible Analysis “ Government District” ISSEG.. ITESM. León Campus.
2010, Elderly Services Analysis. (Identification of Strategic Opportunities for Development for Guanajuato) ITESM. Leon Campus
1996, Design, development, implementation and marketing for the PrePaid International Letter of Credit. International Division. Banamex S.A.
January 2022 - today, Innovation Mentor. CNEMCO. Leon Guanajuato Mexico.
September 2021 - today, Global Mentor IDEA GTO. Guanajuato Mexico
Jan 2020- July 2022, Mentoring for Entrepreneur women, AMEXME León. León Guanajuato.
August 2019-February 2020 Comercial Mission Santiago de Chile-Leon Guanajuato Mexico. Ferrant Chile in Leon Guanajuato.
2019. SMES business strengthening 4.0. UNAM - GNOSIS XXI
October-November 2018, Strategic Plan for Development SMES Program. Transparencia Consultores. León Guanajuato.
August 2018, Diploma Course “SMES Strengthening 4.0.” Design and development. UNAM-GNOSIS XXI, SC.
September 2014-march 2015, SMES Guanajuato. Transparencia Consultores INADEM-Gobierno del Estado de Guanajuato.
December-2009 January 2010, Strategic Planing Training program for Elementary and Secondary School teachers. SEG-ITESM Guanajuato.
January 2008 - August 2018. High Impact Skills Development Programme. Senior Students at ITESM Leon Guanajuato.
January 2007- August 2009. High Impact Skills Development for Woman Programme. ITESM Leon Guanajuato.
March, 1998, International Payments Seminar. ITESM Leon Campus. León Guanajuato.
March, 1997, International Letter of Credit Seminar. ITESM Leon Campus. León Guanajuato.
October 1996, International Payments Seminar. ITESM Leon Campus. León Guanajuato.
2018, Plan Estatal de Desarrollo Guanajuato 2040. (Development Plan for Guanajuato State 2040) IPLANEG-ITESM Campus León. León Guanajuato, México.
2015, Plan Metropolitano de Desarrollo de León. (Development Plan for metropolitan área) IPLANEG- Constructora Alvarado Durán SA CV – ITESM.
2014, Plan Municipal de Desarrollo. León hacia el Futuro. Visión 2040. (Development Plan for Leon County 2040) IMPLAN-ITESM. León Campus.
2010, Elderly Services Analysis. (Identification of Strategic Opportunities for Development for Guanajuato) ITESM. Leon Campus.
1997, Financial Services Manual. ANIERM-BANAMEX, S.A.
1996, PrePaid International Letter of Credit. International Division. Banamex S.A.