A Moment of Reflection
Published by the 13 of April of 2020 en Business environment, Entrepreneurship, Global environment, Innovation, Leadership, Regional development

The crisis, both health and economic, generated by the COVID-19 has led to restrictions on the mobility and operation of businesses considered non-essential. One thing is certain, that after the return to general activities the World will not be operating in the same way. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we establish what we want to do in two very important areas, as regions (governments-society) and as companies.
Globalization has brought great benefits, but unfortunately, it has made us extremely vulnerable. To exemplify, I will take the case of Mexico as a country, where there are transnational companies that manufacture medical equipment to mitigate the more serious condition of patients infected with the COVID19 and which prevent personal breathing and it is used to support a mechanical respirator. We were very surprised to know that these companies would only attend the requests from the USA and Europe, particularly from Italy. Not even a minimum percentage would be to the emergency in Mexico; in the words of one of its managers, for Mexico it was only to bring jobs to the cheap labour, nothing more.
This example shows that the benefit of attracting investment to generate work fulfilled its purpose, but it is not generating development in the country. Since 2009, in the research called “Strategic Opportunities for the Development of the State of Guanajuato”, as well as for other states, the potential and capacity to develop a sector of medical devices and equipment in the region is huge. Knowledge is available, the infrastructure requires some adjustments, but it is possible. So why did not happen? Why the developments of research centers in this line of the Center for Research in Optics (CIO) and the Center for Research in Mathematics (CIMAT), which I only point to as examples because there are other centers with developments that can bring important benefits such as they are non-invasive diagnostic equipment?. A question that arises immediately comes along the lines of why the Mexican textile sector is not capable of manufacturing orthotics? why the electrical-mechanical-mechatronic, metallic sectors, etc. do not make prosthetics?.
The benefits of globalization must continue, but dependency must not be allowed. Do you know of a country that has renounced the development and manufacture of heavy equipment and transport due to an economic agreement with its neighbor? (I leave it to your knowledge), because that is the reason for the delay in many areas and the inability to access to a state-of-the-art-knowledge. Why a region quit its development and food self-sufficiency, in medicines, in medical equipment, etc. There is no valid answer for it. What is observed is that ti cannot continue; the talent and capacities of a country or regions must be used; Collaborative structures must be built with those who can contribute. Ecosystems of innovation and entrepreneurship must be strengthened to allow the existence of this self-sufficiency in a sustained and sustained manner. There is no room for blaming the past, it is time to give sustainability to the present and build the future of well-being that must be achieved.
Just to close the part of the region, we are working and developing the next new automotive industry; We are within the development of new batteries, the development of new materials, the development of new components, the development of new applications that will be linked to this industry. Thus, it is possible to continue with other strategic sectors such as food, chemical, ceramic, tourism services and logistics services, etc.
Now, I return to companies, economic entities that generate development and satisfy the needs of the markets (here consider that the local and the global must be addressed). Wealth is generated by serving and not just by speculating, as some examples of success that are sold as the ideal. The important thing is to be able to attend to all the dimensions of the human being, surprise him and take him to a state of greater development and well-being. The generation of wealth and its distribution among the different agents of the value chain (suppliers, collaborators, investors, and executives), committing and fulfilling their clients, taking care of their environment and the society that surrounds them, and within a framework of complete legality and full responsibility.
At the end of the quarantine comes complicated moments, defining new ways of operating, such as leaning on technology; how to rebuild human relationships and interactions; how to generate the necessary resources to serve customers again; how to maintain and develop talent, so that it contributes in the best way to recovery in the shortest possible time, while at the same time building the new foundations for what will be the new company with more innovation, with a higher level of competitiveness, with greater proximity to the customer and suppliers, with greater capacity to imagine and build their own future. The company that does not hide, that is at sight because it is proud of what it has done and achieved, because each of its collaborators and suppliers share that pride and express it to others. This company must be able to make the most of its capabilities and resources; with intelligence use finance and credit capacity, establish commercial networks and collaboration networks, find the product or service (adaptation / transformation) to solidly join the New World (Post-COVID), with the ability to create, produce, market and surprise. A company, that does not care if it is in a traditional sector or in a modern one, with the capacity and the competencies to understand where the opportunities are and take them to cover and meet the needs and generate the image, strength and wealth that its managers and collaborators wishes and can achieve.
It has always been commented to look at the periphery of the business environment and see the opportunities; This is still valid and by reinforcing it with the identification of true needs, it will be possible to be more successful. As for countries and regions, companies have to be very careful and be careful what they give to third parties; It is important that companies keep critical elements (core) under their control and maintain, to the possible extent, a capacity for self-sufficiency to operate at critical moments. This leads to establishing a highly efficient supply chain, but at the same time, an alternate supply chain with a nearby supplier. The construction of a work and collaboration scheme with other agents in the region can generate new opportunities (see the case of France with Fair Trade and support for the local supplier) that leads to products or services that may have greater value. Intelligence must be at the service of equitable and inclusive development in our region. The company generates wealth, but it is based in a social and cultural environment that is important to consider at the same time that it contributes so that it improves and seeks a better level of well-being for all the residents who participate in that community or region.
Collaboration and competition, business development and regional development, the company and the person, everything must be considered in decision making, this is a moment of reflection and build the great strategy for the region and for the company. Those who have the privilege of being able to participate in private initiative go ahead promoting development like the concentric circles that generate a stone hitting the water; at the same time that we collaborate to help the government and society align seeking the best interest to generate a region under peaceful conditions, with personal and patrimonial security, with well-being for any member of society, all aimed at ensuring that each person build their own project, achieve success and happiness.