Gnosis XXI

Logo Gnosis XXI


Now what…

Published by the 13 of April of 2020 en Knowledge

Here we are, in the middle of a pandemic that even in my worse nightmares I would not have seen ourselves with our small families…following the news to know what´s following…and trying to organize our lives one day at a time…trying to understand what happened and why it happened…no one knows for sure… or maybe they know but we will never know the truth…the point is that we all are in a major vulnerability that could exist..

What if… we could rewind our life..what if we could see the moment when we got lost…what if we could certainly see why we become so vulnerable…we might find some answers  there…

In my particular case, I was born with an special condition, “patent ductus arteriosus” and in simple words “I had baddly connected cables in my heart (as I was told by the doctos when I was 4 years old). I was operated on at 5 at the old Medical Center from IMSS. Quite a feat at that time (1973). That took me to look after my health permanently. However, any illness with my brothers and sisters I was also ill. All my childhood was at hospitals or at home with high fever, until I was teenager, then I stop to get sick all time. I become EXTREMELY CAREFUL about my health, since the idea to go back to hospitals was so scary. NO alcohol and smoking and any other situation that could damage my health (I was not very welcome in society because of that.) I always tried to eat healthy, sleep as good as I could, exercise, and so on..well, just the sleeplessness at the university and the master in UK. When I got pregnant, my birth condition came into my mind, however my doctor said that the probability that my baby was born with the same condition was so low. That made me be a bit relaxed. However, I become EXTREMELY CAREFUL about my health again to go on during the process under good conditions and to leave the hospital as soon as posible: I learned how to take care of my pregnancy, with a healthy diet, sleeping, exercise, hygiene and so on. I also started to meditate. Then when I got 40 years old we started saving money or stopped wasting our money, with a stable job, in order to save money for our elderly.

When I was 30, I started to have part time jobs since I wanted to take care of my kid as much as possible, and that took me to Home Office (it was unacceptable at that time since working from home was equal to housewife and non profesional activity). It was really complicated to organize day by day to accomplish any single activity without family distractions. A real challenge without technology.  After some months I managed the Art of Home Office. After a while, I started  an MBA on-line at Tec de Monterrey (It was in the very beginning of on-line courses but an invaluable tool for my multitask activities) not well accepted for the preference for in-site masters degrees. And some years after de Master of Innovation also on-line at Tec de Monterrey (well structured courses) and then I could reinforce skills in on-line learning. So I continued with my Home Office activity still unaccepted.

Some years after, here we are… under a pandemic…with a paralyzed world..trying to get to the equilibrium in all personal, professional and family activities well done and in the same place…an Art to master…

I returned to that alert moments…TO BECOME EXTREMELY CAREFUL and stay at home…

We have tried to have a healthy life in the past years, with no addictions and going to the doctor just for check up… however, we still DO NOT KNOW (and nobody knows) how our body will react to the virus…our projects were posponed and our earnings stopped, so we are financing with our savings for our elderly (WITHOUT firing anyone and complying with our suppliers) and strengthening  our high skills for home office and taking advantage to this free time to get ready for the new way all activities have to be done…This situation took us by surprise as any body else, but we are in a point to we THANK OUR LORD, day by day to have all we need to carry on this quarantine and to start all over again as soon as we are aloud to, and we really hope our health resist the new coexistence with the virus in our new day by day…

I think it is time to rewind and try to see when we all become so vulnerable to understand and to know what to do and moving to an stage of less vulnerability…and now your “good health will be your best asset”…

A big virtual hug to all and keep safe!

Adriana Maldonado

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