Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI


It´s time to Act!

Published by the 21 of October of 2019 en Leadership

I am writing this letter as a personal invitation  to take a moment to reflect and think and see the big picture… recent issues in Culiacan and other parts of México… recent issues in Chile and other countries of Latin America …all happening at the same time.

We have different profiles and expertise which makes any of us powerful in knowledge, capabilities and skills, good enough to make all these great impacts possible in any of our countries and any of our communities.

This week issues are because social differences are growing, people that have so much and people that have just nothing. We can find quite a lot of reasons and arguments for the origin of such differences. However, arguments are not enough to stop making this gap bigger and bigger. We have demonstrated solidarity under hard situations: earthquakes, flooding crisis and so on…

Just any of you knows what is going on in your nearby, in your neighbourhood, in your community, in your state, in your region… with people that you know and also people that you do not know. Let´s take a moment to see … to observe…to listen…and build a vision of what we really want to see, observe and listen. People under vulnerable conditions are everywhere and it is possible that they are closer than you might think. It is not necessary to travel or to make huge efforts to start; a small support or help is a wonderful beginning. It is not necessary to have that much resources to make a difference… your knowledge and time is more than enough to start with…

You will know which is the best strategy to approach any situation you observe. Once to have that picture in your mind…look at it as a piece of puzzle… the big picture… and Act!!


We are skilled … it is time to act as leaders.

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