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Gnosis XXI


Simone Biles…the bravest gymnast of all times!

Published by the 1 of August of 2021 en Knowledge, Leadership

  Pic: CNN


In the last few days, much has been said about Simone Biles´ resignation to continue in Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. She has surprised the world once again as she has done since she became known a few years ago as the gymnast that would make radical changes in olimpic gymnastics. This time it is not the exception…her bravery has settle issues that it seems high performance athetes have no right to…but we forget a quite important issue…they are still human beings.

The world keep an eye over Simone Biles, above any othe brilliant gymnast…she was obligated to get olympic medals not only for USA but the whole world…

Since the World Cup in 2019, she did not look good; however, she continued with brilliant and impresive performances until a few days ago when  she finaly said that her mental health  was more important…and then the world came over her as a heavier burden that she already felt.

But, what does she mean by mental health? Important information about some mental conditions in gymnast came up. A condition called “Twisties” which is the fear caused by getting lost in time and space when taking a jump and that manly puts their physical safety at risk.

Simone Biles has been criticized for her resignation to continue in the olympic games in different categories; however, to face the world when she felt vulnerable makes her corageous than making triple twist on air at more tha 2 metres high.

We can not forget that we are still in pandemic conditions and that all the people in the world  has been in confinement for long time that put the mental health of millios of people in check. If we have all felt overwhelmed by the new reality after COVID19 in which we have been develping our activities on a day-to-day basis, and we have even felt vulnerable at some point, Why couldn´t a great athlet like Simon Biles do it?

Simone Biles is agreat example of what we must do when we feel vulnerables: ask for help!

All our respect and admination to SIMONE BILES, the bravest gymnast of all times!


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