Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI


The new pospandemic customer: the new engagement.

Published by the 23 of March of 2021 en Business environment, Entrepreneurship

Pandemic has generated radical changes in our behavior. For some people it has been quite difficult to adjust day to day habits to a new reality. So it is the new consumer behavior. All of us belong to this consumer cycle that changed from “going shopping” to “shopping with a click”.

But, what has really changed for this new consumer? All has changed: since the use of social media, the use of technology, the use of platforms, online stores, the access to almost any product from any part of the world, the easy of shopping just with a click and the easy access to product references information in internet.  It is this last fact where businesses in general have not understood the market.

The new pospandemic consumer has become so demanding and Amazon has settle the new rules in commercialization of products that appears in this platform. It is as simple as: 1) look for the product and check out all comments from past consumers, 2) buy the product, 3) you can buy an extended warranty, 4) you get confirmation of arrival date, 5) you can track the product 6) your product is delivered and 7) you get the confirmation of the delivery.

So far the difference is the efficiency in delivery.

But what if if the delivery is not what you expect? what if it breaks down? They can either refund your money or send a new one immediately. And it really works like that!

And it is in this last fact that retail selling and common business have not understood the new rules: the answer to all those questions are “…we are going to see what to do…” or ” …we need some authorizations…” or “..we are taking note and we will contact you..(and this never happen)”…

The new consumer engagement is linked to all opinions from customers in internet about any product or service and after-sales service, with a huge positive or negative impact in the branding reputation. Once there is an opinion on social media about any brand, the consumer perception will be “we want the product” when it is positive opinion or “Alert of that product” if it is negative.

The influence of an opinion nowadays has  a mayor focus so strategies for social media management and other platforms are quite important. There is no way to get presence in social media without taking into account all negative opinions in there that result in a new post-sale service until the problem is solved


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