Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI


Pandemic and the mental health in the XXI Century.

Published by the 2 of December of 2020 en Knowledge

Today I had the chance to attend a webinar with my dear friend  Mauricio Zermeño about a mental health condition as a consequence of pandemic: Narcissism.

According to this webinar, it is quite frequent that narcissist is related to a person that likes to look good an the reality goes beyond that perception. The mental health condition (man/woman) of a narcissist is linked to violence and the power of destruction to all those people closed to him/her. Violence goes from light manipulation, passing by any kind of violence up to psychological and physical violence.

In terms of gender violence, it is highly probable that some of those cases were executed by a narcissist partner, within a family or within a relationship and it  is in here where it is so important to think: How can I know if I am with a parter with that mental condition?

Mauricio says so forcefully: “…violence is violence no matter what, it does not  matter who it comes from, parents, brothers, sisters, other family members, friends, priest and so on…therefore the only option is to get away from that person and report it”.

Mexican culture and the way mexican families cope with it, it is so common that violence becomes normalized within the family, so it is not weird that a woman that has been living with violence gets a narcissist person as a couple and that this new life becomes normal too.

I invite you to think… if you believe that you are within a relationship like this, ask for help since narcissist never ever will accept that there is something wrong with them….the rest of the world is wrong!

As it was said by Mauricio Zermeño: how many cake slices you need to eat to know that it is a chocolate cake…how many times you need to have violence experiences to know that it is violence….

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