We got to semifinals…Bravo AZIMOV TEAM!
Published by the 16 of December of 2019 en Global environment

Empanadita competed in semifinals with an hibrid robot and couldn’t go to the next round. What stands out from this last match is the way the Japanese competitor says good bye to Adri Herrera and Ale Saldivar. Gnosis XXI is so proud of our Ambassador Women in the engineering and the awesome copilot Ale Saldívar. An inspiration to small girls and youths.
Carlos Hernandez y Alex Elias with Pato Robot competed at high competitive level and couldn´t go to the next round too.
Empanadita se quedó en semifinales compitiendo contra un robot híbrido (radiocontrol y sensores). Lo que resalta de este…
Posted by Gnosis XXI on Monday, December 16, 2019