Gnosis XXI

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Just historical!

Published by the 20 of January of 2021 en Knowledge, Leadership

Today is a day to celebrate, to keep in our memories and a day to be tell by our women generation by generation. A woman takes office as Vicepresident of the United States of America. The first women from a minority group, daughter of  immigrants from India and Jamaica. With no doubt  opportunities for women […]

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Locked down forever??

Published by the 14 of January of 2021 en Business environment, Innovation

Locked down again due to pandemic again. This second  COVID19 wave, new mutations and the probability for more of them in the near future make difficult to think that this is going to end in the short run.  All of us were “expecting” or “wishing” that 2021 we would return to our lives before COVID19. […]

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