Gnosis XXI

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Adri Herrera, AMBASSADOR Gnosis XXI “Women in the Engineering”

Published by the 29 of October of 2019 en Women in the engineering

Due to the efforts to attract more youth to STEM disciplines, specially young women, Gnosis XXI joins to this project and as a first step we invited the Talent Robotics CHAMPION of Robot Sumo in Talentland (Guadalajara Jalisco), Adri Herrera from Azimov Team, as our AMBASSADOR Gnosis XXI “Women in the Engineering”. Her mission is […]

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It´s time to Act!

Published by the 21 of October of 2019 en Leadership

I am writing this letter as a personal invitation  to take a moment to reflect and think and see the big picture… recent issues in Culiacan and other parts of México… recent issues in Chile and other countries of Latin America …all happening at the same time. We have different profiles and expertise which makes […]

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Innovation or not!

Published by the 15 of October of 2019 en Innovation

Some years ago we made a project for hand-made craft products company that wanted to export to USA. We had to solve a problem that they were facing  to be able to export to designers market: they had to deliver all pieces under pantone colors without affecting any hand made process… A hand-made craft is […]

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