Gnosis XXI

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Gnosis XXI


Princess vs women engineers

Published by the 14 of September of 2019 en Women in the engineering

Recently, I have been reading proposals concerning driving young girls away from the “romantic idea of the Cinderella´s prince coming to rescue her and being happy forever after”. I won´t give names of that pogrammes that are in progress now to avoid to hurt people. However, my experience as female engineering student´s mom is quite […]

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mujeres ingenieras

Women Engineers´ moms

Published by the 13 of September of 2019 en Women in the engineering

In the last few months I have reed so much about the efforts to push girls into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). There are articles with methodologies promising to change girls´ perception about all this topics of study. However, there is no mention at all about what moms and families can do to support […]

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